Friday, June 27, 2014

Amazing Cancer Story(s)

My conversation with a local chiropractor
by Thomas Martin

I went to a new, local chiropractor because of a coupon I had purchased online.  I arrived early to fill out the necessary paperwork and indicated that in the past I had had a heart problem.  While waiting, I noticed the table in the center of the room had a couple of very serious books on nutrition and health.  I also noticed a sign on the wall asking, "Have you had your fish oil today?"   I decided this doctor might be a good candidate for my new book.

I retrieved a book from my car and waited to be called in.

The doctor came out, called me and as we were walking down the hall asked me about my heart issue.  I briefly told him my story and he asked, "What exactly did you do to heal your heart."  I told him about that as well and then presented him with my newest book, Just Do This One Thing: A Guide To Chronic Good Health.

He quickly flipped through the book, smiled and said, "We are going to get along just fine.  Let me tell you my story."

Several years earlier, he was diagnosed with cancerous tumors on his testicles.  The oncologist told him that they would need to be removed.  My doctor was not impressed and said he would go off and seek other opinions and options.  Like me, he fell on the holistic side of the fence and took a natural/dietary approach to his cancer.  The tumors disappeared and no surgery or allopathic treatment of any kind was necessary.  His oncologist, unable to admit there was anything he didn't know, simply labeled it a miracle. 

A few years later, my doctor's father was diagnosed with leukemia.  After many discussions, the father also took the same approach as his son.   That was five years ago and the father's white blood cell count is back to normal. 

Cancer does not have to be a death sentence, but if you follow the allopathic model, it most likely will be one.  The most important issue in preventing and reversing cancer is to move your body's pH balance from acid to neutral, this then starves the cancer and it dies.  This process is outlined in my book Just Do This One Thing and also on this web blog under Cancer

Take control of your life and your health.  The answers exist, but they are not inorganic, chemical pharmacological answers.  Like your body, they are organic solutions. 

To watch my interview with Dr. Edwards on this subject please click here

To Good Health!

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